5e shillelagh
5e shillelagh

5e shillelagh

Martial Arts provides a die that can replace your unarmed strike/monk weapon damage die. The a club in Shillelaghs spell description only refers to a normal club and not a all types of clubs including greatclubs because Shillelagh is a druid spell and druids lack proficiency in greatclubs. Jeremy Crawford also tweeted about Martial Arts die not affecting the versatile property RAW. Technically no, since spell makes no change to that property, but i'd allow it The benefit of using Shillelagh on a staff is that you dont have to wield it with both hands anymore, since the damage would be the same. Mike Mearls tweeted that he would allow a quarterstaff's versatile property to be affected by Shillelagh as RAF as a DM, even though it does not as RAW. The True Shillelagh is immediately recognizable to any druid, and. So you could conceivably have a 17th+ level Monk using a versatile weapon (quarterstaff, longsword, battleaxe, warhammer, spear, & trident) one-handed at d10 damage and two-handed at d12 damage. True Shillelagh (5e Equipment) Weapon ( club, quarterstaff ), legendary (requires attunement by a druid) Naturally formed from the distinctive burl of an ancient tree whose name is lost to history, this legendary weapon precedes the shillelagh cantrip now familiar to all druids. Note, if you have a Kensai monk, those other versatile weapons like longsword, warhammer, trident, and battleaxe may end up as monk weapons if the Kensai monk takes them as Kensai weapons. I would be sure to be consistent in both cases of deciding if the RAF options applies to Shillelagh or the Martial Arts die or both for versatile weapons. Your game may decide that RAF trumps RAW in this case for Monks. Again RAW, the Martial Arts die would not change the versatile property for the quarterstaff or spear to a d10 at 11th+ level. Note, that the Monk has a Martial Arts damage die and can affect quarterstaffs and spears as well since they are monk weapons, so that may come up with Monk players once they get to 11th+ level and get a d8 Martial Arts die. RAF, sure go ahead if you like that interpretation as it would then fit with other versatile weapons like the longsword, warhammer, and battleaxe. RAW, Shillelagh does not affect the versatile property as the spell wording does not mention that.

5e shillelagh